Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dairy Wives Convention

So I am not a Dairy Wife but.... my grandma is :) and my mom, aunts, and the grandaughters have been going to this for a long time. This year I finally took off work and went a few weeks ago (still catching up). Lunch was great and the motivational speaker was Mary Nickels from Channel 2 News. She has a really fun personality and had a great little message about taking care of yourself... sure pedicures, facials and that sort of stuff is nice but she was talking of screenings...and seeing the good old Dr. so that you will always be there for the ones you love and the ones that love you. She was really funny and sweet. After that we walked around the little shops of Gardner Village. SO much fun to have a little day with the girls!

I Love the Fall, Love the pumpkins, Love the leaves, Love Halloween, Love Witches, Love it all....


Kristi said...

3 posts so close together, good for you!! I love it, keep it up my dear!!